#1 Update on the Kickstarter "Roaring Lions"

#1 Update on the Kickstarter "Roaring Lions"


More Information on the Kickstarter „Roaring Lions -
The Royal Bavarian Army of 1870"

First of all, I would like to thank you for the numerous kind words, great correspondence and plenty of encouragement, which I did not expect at all! It gives me an indescribably good feeling that we are on the right path and I promise you that this path will be worth it for all of us in the future.

In general, I would like to answer a few of the most frequently asked questions here again, where I feel that there may be a need for clarification:

What scale do the miniatures come in?
In general, the miniatures are available as metal casts as well as 3D STL files to download and print yourself. The metal casts are 28mm scale and fit the usual manufacturers in terms of size. The 3D STL files can be adjusted in size and scale, but are designed for 28mm miniatures first and foremost.

Do you plan to release any other miniatures?
Absolutely! If the Kickstarter is successful, we also plan to cover the other German states of the Franco-Prussian War.

Can I purchase the miniatures directly before Kickstarter delivery?
Unfortunately, no. This is a crowdfunding campaign in which hobbyists can purchase the figures in a kind of advance sale in the foreseeable future and at the same time get a reduced price as well as extra goodies. In return, this will help us finance such a huge project with your help! Only after the Kickstarter, you'll be able to buy the miniatures directly from our shop.

When does the Kickstarter start?
We cannot give an exact date. But we estimate the end of April to the beginning of May 2023.

As always, if you have any further questions, don't hesitate to write to us!

With this newsletter we would like to present you not only clarifications and updates, but also a few pictures of the miniatures, rendered from the 3D software. Shown here are three of nine sets that will be available through Kickstarter.

The preview shows off infantry of the line in various poses and a command set. The troops are wearing the old M1848 helmet that was still the most worn helmet model at the beginning of the war. All miniatures are sculpted by the most talented Lucas Luber.

In addition to miniatures, we will also be offering free flag and uniform guides.

And finally, another scenic shot.

Until next time!

-Stephan Huber

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